When Seconds Count
Instantaneous connection with 911
Simultaneous notification of onsite security and neighbors
Incident Management Dashboard
The HOAVillage App empowers communities with real-time safety and communication capabilities
Multi-level communications
Safety Plan
The Safety Document Access System allows users to open docs from our app specific to their school including:
Dynamic Talk-Around
The App provides a secure multi-media group talk-around platform for discreet communications among security and management staff, as well as other groups with common interests.
Broadcast Messaging
s used to send safety incident related messages to large groups within a facility for incident management and for distruibution of useful information to occupants.
Our Story
How we got started
In 2011 Michael Wiggins, CEO of VillageSafety, was managing the construction of a large inner-city medical facility in the Los Angeles area. As part of a community outreach initiative, local high school students were offered Construction Engineer internships at the medical facility site and other local projects to introduce them to opportunities in the industry.
In conjunction with the internships, an ACE (architecture, construction, and engineering) Mentor after-school program was established at a local high school to provide more extensive, structured education on the design and management of building construction. Michael has been the Team Leader of this ACE program for the last 8 years. Students from the first years of the program are now returning as mentors to the current generation of high school students and “paying it forward” after receiving Construction Management and Civil Engineering degrees.
Community Dialogue
Communities with robust social communication systems are not only more enjoyable places to live, but are also safer. Neighbors looking out for each other protect the wellbeing of their communities, taking an active role to anticipate and intervene before problems become emergencies.
The HOAVillage App provides communication tools for establishing and maintaining a dialogue that facilitates routine daily community and family functions as well as managing a dynamic response when things go wrong
Data Management
A safety program that provides real-time, rapid and appropriate response when things go wrong can yield remarkable benefits.
A truly superior safety program learns from experience and uses that experience to improve safety.A rich treasure-trove of data is generated when all of the features of the VillageSafety App are utilized.Data is analyzed for repetitive patterns and trends.With this information, Management and Security staff can deploy resources where they can be most effective and predict situations that have more risk of incidents.
Post-incident analysis of system-generated Messaging, Alerts, Reports, and Notifications provides a platform for troubleshooting and improving incident response protocols.
Deliver Superior Service with Less Effort
Creation of safer live, work, and play environments through enhanced communication and collaboration between all inhabitants. Avoidance of safety incidents when possible. Facilitating rapid response and command during those critical first few minutes when incidents happen.